- sleep
- caffeine
- hormones
- certain foods
- health conditions
- mental health issues (i.e. depression and stress)
- metabolism
- too much exercise
- weather
- artificial sweeteners
- sodium
- eating at certain times of the day
- medications
- not eating enough
This is a list of all the things that come up when you search the term ‘things that hinder weight loss’. It is an overwhelming list. I have heard of everything on this list as being a problem when you are trying to lose weight, however, I have never seen a comprehensive explanation in one place that explains how each of these things can stop or prevent you from losing weight.
For my own information I want to know everything that I am doing wrong. So, I did my research.
Let me begin that medical professionals and those in the fitness and health industries will tell you that losing weight is simple. It is about using more calories than you take in.
If that were true I would be a size 8. Honestly, I spent two months tracking every calorie I ate and every calorie I burned. I was burning 5000 or more calories than I was eating every week. That is about 1.5 pounds (3500 calories equals a pound). In 2 months I should have lost 12 pounds at least according to the medical explanation.
Do you want to know what I lost? Nothing. In fact I gained 5 pounds.
It became obvious to me that losing weight is not about calories in and calories out. That is a load of crap.
Furthermore, all calories are not equal. A calorie of sugar reacts different in your body than a calorie of carrot. I know that is not a good explanation but you see where I am going.
It shouldn’t be a shocker that over half of adults in this country are overweight or obese. Nobody has a damn clue what they really need to do to lose weight. “Helpful” advice about eating healthy and getting exercise is not going to cut it. People need real information that they can use.
Not only do we need to know what to eat, but we need to know what things we eat that are stopping weight loss and how our daily lifestyle habits hurt our weight loss efforts. We need complete information.
I am sick and tired of all these highly educated professionals feeding us a line of bull. I am ready to get to the truth and I want to share it with you.
I have spent a large amount of time on the internet trying to find reliable sources of information. I have googled just about everything weight loss related you can think of. I have tried to answer every question I have about why these pounds won’t come off no matter what I do. I think the information I have come up with may finally help me to understand my body and how to get the pounds to come off for good.
Now I want to share these things with you. To avoid a huge post I am breaking things up. This is the first part and each part after will focus on some of the things I listed in the beginning of the article. Hopefully by the time I am done we will all understand why Susy Small Pants can eat nothing but fast food, sit on her butt all day every day and not gain a pound when we can follow a strict calorie counting diet and exercise until we think we may die and still have trouble losing a pound.
A Note About Micheal Moore
15 years ago