Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I'm Back!

My dear friend Jessica asked me if I was going to start blogging again since I am back on the weight loss train. I decided to indulge her.

I have been really struggling since my last entry with the whole working out and weight loss. About 4 weeks ago I started kickboxing 4 to 5 days a week. On Monday I decided to kick it up a little since I had not seen any improvements or changes in my body.

I decided to create my own non-diet. There are a few simple "rules" to my diet.

Rule 1: I was exercising at night because I was too lazy to exercise in the morning. I have read a lot about how AM exercise is much better, so I decided to switch. Now I exercise in the morning. One major thing I noticed right away is that it makes me more focused throughout the day and it helps me feel more energized. So far this is a great change.

Rule 2: No matter what if I want to lose weight I know I have to get the Pepsi drinking under control. There always has to be a rule because it is an addiction and I need to watch myself or I go crazy. For the past few weeks I was at 4 a day, but that was not good enough. New rule is 2 a day. This is the hardest rule by far for me to stick to.

Rule 3: Take carb blocker pills. I am a major carb eater and had read about these pills so I figured I would give them a try.

That is it really. Those three rules. Here is the best part. I started Monday, so it has been 2 days on my non-diet. As of this morning I have lost a total of 6.5 lbs! (As of yesterday I had lost only 2.5lbs) I am pretty excited. Maybe water weight, maybe not, but I am sure doing something right :) I will keep you updated.


  1. Woot, woot! YEAH! Glad to see you're back! :D

  2. Yeah, thanks. I miscalculated on the weight loss. That should have read 4.5 lbs. You will see in my new post that I lost 5.5 all week. Not bad, I guess. hoping to do just as good this week :)
