Thursday, October 22, 2009


I feel like I've been run over by a truck. It backed up over me and ran over me again. Damn you, Jillian!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Excuses Are Like...

I had excuses out the behind this week for not starting the Shred. Monday was just Monday and I hate that day. Tuesday I had a back ache. This morning I thought I would get an early start on work. Tonight I said to myself "STOP!" So I did the Shred tonight and will pick back up with mornings tomorrow. I hate how I feel since I have not worked out in about 2 weeks. Plus I really wanted to do the Shred. I just have to focus. I have to work through the pain and the sweat and the extreme hate I feel for Jillian during the workout. I also have to fight the boredom. I have such a short attention span that the idea of doing the same workout for 10 days about kills me. I just have to push on. If I don't those excuses will start popping up again.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Weekly Check In

Let me give you the stats as of this morning:

This week's loss: 3.5 lbs
Total loss since 9/27: 11.5 lbs

I am pretty proud. Honestly, I have no clue how this is happening, but a few years ago I lost about 30lbs without trying. I thought back to how I did it and am trying to do what I did back then. It is working so far - even with two weeks of hardly any exercise.

Maybe once I start the Shred things will speed up. Only 6 lbs to my first goal and I have 2 weeks to do it. I think I can!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Gonna Shred Again

Well, I am not gaining any weight by not working out, but theloss has sure slowed. I am calling it at 2.5 lbs this week. Which is down on the past two weeks - about half the weight loss, actually. I'm still on track, but not the fast track. So, I think I must start moving my body again. These past two weeks with hardly any exercise were a nice break and I sure didn't mind just getting up and starting the day without having to work out. However, I need a boost. So, next week it is 30Day Shred again.

The last time I did it was not great. I actually gained weight and hated the whole thing. I think that is not because of the actual workout, but the situation. I had a workout buddy and she was not always available. We worked out at different times everyday and some days we had to miss. So, this time I am going at it alone. The complete 30 days of Shredding my ass off with just me and Jillian. I am sticking to doing it everyday - 30 days straight. I have done some research online and I guess that is how you are supposed to do it.

Before I was under the assumption that you should do it every other day. Now that I know, I am going to really attack it this time and do it everyday. I mean, 20 minutes a day is nothing. I kind of got burned out on the 50 minutes I was doing. I have high hopes for Shredding this time around.

Wish me luck.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I'm in a Slump

Still losing. It isn't weight this time that has me bummed. I feel like my life is stuck in a rut. I am so bored with my life. I feel like I am just wasting it. Everyday is the same damn thing. I barely have adult interaction - where I am actually in the physical presence of another adult. Actually, I rarely even hear another adult's voice since I mostly communicate through text messages or email. I just have no fun anymore. I haven't left MG for weeks. Heck, I have hardly left my house and actually gotten out of my car in quite a while. I am in a slump.

Like my Facebook status says right now: I'm starting to think some days would be better if I was drunk.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Up and Down

I realized, reading back over my posts, that I weigh in too much. My weight is not always stable. I am keeping a journal, though, so I know my last log of weight lost is the most accurate. I tend to go way down in the middle of the week and then come back up slightly at the end of the week. I guess Wednesday is my skinny day :)

Anyway, that is why my weight loss numbers have been crazy. I know now that I need to just wait until Sunday to post my loss as that is the real number. As long as I lose 3.5 pounds a week I am happy. That's my goal.

Offical Results for Last Week

So, weighed in this morning. Lost 4.5 lbs this past week, which is actually better than what I lost the first week of tracking when I was on my game. Total lost 8 lbs (the weigh in on Thursday was my lowest and I was up .5 lbs so that is why thursday i said i lost 8.5 lbs, but now just 8 lbs). I have 2.5 lbs to lose to reach my first mini goal, so hope that happens in the next couple days. I am going to keep on keeping on. Get back on track and do my thing. Hope I can reach my Halloween goal which is a loss of another 9.5 lbs. Might be able to do it. Lost 8 lbs in two weeks and I have 3 weeks to lose 9.5. Just have to focus.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Crap Week, Just Crap

This week was horrible. Terrible, terrible, terrible. My schedule was a little kooky and I worked out three days, I think. I am still down lbs, so it kind of tells me it is not so much the exercise and maybe I can back off a bit. I may drop to four days a week just to make it less stressful on myself since the exercise seems to not have much of an impact. It is all in the drinking. If I can just say no to the damn pop I am good. Also the eating out, which I did horrible with this past week. That, too, packs on the lbs. So, next week I am being a goody 2 shoes. Pop allowance only at lunch. No eating out! Workouts when I can, I guess. I forgot to weigh myself this morning. Thursday I was down by 8.5 lbs, but Friday I was up 1 lb so that makes it down 7.5 lbs.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Checking In

No workout this morning - you don't want to know why, trust me :) I did weigh in. Now I know that weight goes up and down and this may change, but according to the number on the scale this morning I have lost 8.5 lbs since I started on 9/28. Not too bad and actually pretty interesting since my workout schedule sucks this week. That is not a good thing - it is an excuse to not workout. I will just have to watch it.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Warning: This May Be TMI

I started taking the apple cider vinegar supplements. I am getting the same appetite suppressing results that I had when I took it previously, so that is great. However, I have another side effect that was a bit unexpected.

Remember how I had to stop the carb blockers since they created an obstacle for me in the potty? Well, the apple cider vinegar supplements have the opposite effect. LOL I know that is probably TMI, but I did warn you. Anyway, that may be why it works so well as a weight loss supplement.

It doesn't bother me enough to stop taking them, so I am keeping on with them. I am hoping they do a good job since I have a big huge bottle of 250 pills that I don't want to waste.

I am still doing awful getting motivated to work out. I have yet to do a hard workout this week. I've done a half hour each morning and none so far have really made me sweat my ass off like my normal workouts. I just have not been motivated, so I guess I should be happy I at least did something. It could be worse - I could have skipped my workouts completely.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A New Note

Okay, I had to add for today that I went to the drug store and found apple cider vinegar pills. I think i wrote on here a while back about an apple cider vinegar diet pill I took that really curbed my appetite and was helping me but I ran out and couldn't find them anymore. Well, found them and added them to my routine. I think I will use them for a while as long as there are no side effects and they work. If I lose good this week then this may be to thank for it. We shall see.

Hello Again

Well, I met all my goals last week. I set up goals at the beginning of the week. I also discovered 2 things:

1. Carb blocker pills may work, but they really mess up the plumbing, which is not cool.
2. If I drink my regular pop before 3PM I am better off.

So, with that in mind, this week I am off the carb pills and drinking my regular pop with lunch instead of supper.

I exceeded my goal for weight loss last week. I had a goal of 3 1/2 lbs and I lost 5 1/2. I also had my period, which as we all know, causes a little weight gain, so those numbers may not be completely real. Some of that may be water weight.

I already messed up this week. I ate McD's for lunch today, so I need to be extra good all week. Tonight is a light supper. I also have not worked out very vigorously this week so far. I took the whole weekend off and I am disappointed about that. I need to start doing something on the weekends no matter how bad I don't want to. I am thinking about doing my walking workouts on the weekend. They are not too hard and I have a few different ones.

Anyway, I am still moving ahead. Having a scale that is correct really helps me stay accountable. I also realize that I know a lot about losing weight. I took this personal trainer quiz - to see if I could be a personal trainer and I got a 97%m which is pretty dang good seeing that I have no formal training. It was all about exercise and diet questions. I have the knowledge, but I just need to put it to work. That is the struggle. I have to learn to say no to my inner voice that tells me to eat and to slack off.