Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Warning: This May Be TMI

I started taking the apple cider vinegar supplements. I am getting the same appetite suppressing results that I had when I took it previously, so that is great. However, I have another side effect that was a bit unexpected.

Remember how I had to stop the carb blockers since they created an obstacle for me in the potty? Well, the apple cider vinegar supplements have the opposite effect. LOL I know that is probably TMI, but I did warn you. Anyway, that may be why it works so well as a weight loss supplement.

It doesn't bother me enough to stop taking them, so I am keeping on with them. I am hoping they do a good job since I have a big huge bottle of 250 pills that I don't want to waste.

I am still doing awful getting motivated to work out. I have yet to do a hard workout this week. I've done a half hour each morning and none so far have really made me sweat my ass off like my normal workouts. I just have not been motivated, so I guess I should be happy I at least did something. It could be worse - I could have skipped my workouts completely.