Our PTO sponsored a fat loss seminar tonight and of course I went. It was given by a local guy who is certified in nutrition and fitness. He has some great credentials (not to mention he was quite easy on the eyes). Anyway, I was ready to eat up all the good information.
Most of the information I get is from the internet and we all know how reliable that can be. I was finally ready to talk to someone and share my struggles and get advice - all of which I did.
I have learned a lot about myself. I have realized, and said here before, that my weight loss hurdle is drinking pop. I have to find a solution. These past few days I have been doing very good with it. 6 yesterday (a little higher than I wanted, but still lower than normal) and 3 today. Yep, 3!
Anywho, I discovered tonight that the reason I have such a huge thirst is because I am constantly dehydrated. I would not drink so much if I were drinking water or something without the sugar. Today, being that I have only drank 3 (three) pepsi's and mostly water, I saw first hand that I drink far less when I am hydrated. I doubt that I am hydrated to the level I should be with just one good day under my belt, but it is a start.
I also took away some other important pointers:
- Eat every 4 hours - eat something at least 200 to 300 calories. This keeps the body burning fat and not muscle and keeps it from going into fat storage instead of fat burning.
- Try to eat protein every time you eat. Protein is essential to keep the body burning fat and not muscle as it helps in the release of fat burning hormones.
- 70% of weight loss success is tied to nutrition. That means only 30% is exercise related.
- All calories are not the same as they cause different hormonal reactions in the body.
- It does not really boil down to "burn more calories than you consume" for the reason above.
- If you start eating every 4 hours you will see a change in your body in 7 to 10 days. That is all you have to do to see the physical change.
- You must eat carbs because your body needs them, but you should never eat more than 130 grams a day. You should try to eat these as early in the day as possible. Try to eat a protein with your carbs too as it helps them break down slower in the body thus less turns to fat.
- The best way to eat right is to get a new mindset. Become outcome focused instead of pleasure focused.
Lots of good info. I am super excited to take all I have learned and put it to use. Right now I am really zoned in on skipping the pop, but I like the eating every 4 hours thing. I will have to work on that, though. I am bad at eating often. I did get some crackers and cheese at the store today which makes an ideal snack choice.
Well, I hope this info will enlighten someone else. A lot of it I had heard before but was not sure if it was true. This guy is very knowledgeable and knows what he is talking about. I am very glad I took the time to go tonight. Valuable info that I think may help me out of my rut. Who knows, this time next week I could be on the right path to skinny-ville.