Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Patting Myself on the Back

Again, only three pops today! I am so proud of myself. This time around my mind set is totally different than ever before. I do not think about it. I stuff myself with water (a total of about 14 glasses today). I am not obsessing over it. I am just getting by day by day and celebrating each success.

I actually could have gotten by on 2 today. I just had to get that least one in since I allowed myself 3.

I am noticing changes already in how I feel. Since I am not all the way off caffeine and I am breaking it up throughout the day I do not get headaches. However, I do notice I feel different after drinking one and it is not a good thing. I do not like how it makes me feel.

I think I am making progress and may actually stick with it this time. Let's hope. It is only day 2, so I am cautious, but optimistic (which is something new I am trying out).

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