Monday, March 30, 2009


I am mixing up my tae bo boot camp this week. Last week all I did was Amped. this week I have a few other tae bo workouts that I am mixing in . I didn't want to get bored of the amped series. Tonight I did a cardio circuit workout. I really like it because it works arms, legs then abs and then goes through that circuit again and ends with a total body. I know what is coming and how much more is left without watching the clock. LOL

It was fun. I am sweaty. I was breathing heavy. Total was 80 minutes of tae bo today.

Tomorrow will be a light day because I have to go to the laundromat in the morning, so I don't workout. Just a 50 minute evening workout.

I have discovered that my motivation is much stronger to work out in the evening than in the morning. Not sure why. Maybe it is because I hate mornings. However, I figure a short am workout will not kill me, so I do an am workout 4 days a week. Tuesday and Sunday are evening only.

I have finally scheduled 5k training, not sure if I shared. I am going to wait for my workout bud. Once she is up and at it again I will begin 5k training. That will be the morning workout. Evening will still be tae bo until I drop at least 20 pounds.

Oh, and forgot to take the apple cider vinegar pill again with supper. Took it after. Not sure if that will work or if I am missing the boat by not taking it before. I tried to find it out on Google, but alas, Google let me down. I promise tomorrow to try harder to take the pills on time. Cannot access something if I screw up the process.

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