Thursday, April 30, 2009

Feeling Better

I am feeling a little better since I have gotten my pop drinking back under control-somewhat. I swear, if we hadn't been on a boil alert I may have just went without pop, but I was thirsty and it was was God's will. Had to have been. Why else would there be a boil alert when I was completely out of bottled water and the water jug in the fridge was empty?

Anyway, my new job has restructured the way I do things. I am a very scheduled person. I like to keep to a schedule and deviations make me cranky. My new schedule involves eating breakfast and drinking a pot of coffee during the day before I ever reach for a pop. I haven't been eating breakfast because I can not get away from my computer to get anything. Not even a snack. I almost peed my pants today because I was sitting here for three hours after drinking three glasses of coffee/water/pop. So, breakfast is in and lunch is out. I just can not pull three meals a day, but I have noticed eating breakfast helps a lot. There are not a lot of cravings for eating later at night either. Plus, my energy levels are back up.

I've been strictly walking now. I did the 5k training on Monday (not sure the distance, maybe a mile, but interval training, so a better burn than straight walking), Tuesday was 3 miles with the walking dvd (12 minute miles, though, so a jog is the better way to describe it), Wednesday was a mile outside and then today was 2 miles inside with my walking dvd. I am hoping to have more time tomorrow and am doing the 5 miles of my walking/jogging dvd.

My knees hurt from walking outside. It is an odd thing. When I walk outside it really messes me up, but I have never had an issue walking inside, even jogging inside. I do not usually wear shoes inside, which I think is probably a big part of it. Plus inside is a surface that is not quite as unforgiving as pavement. Of course, like my workout bud said - I will not be running 5k races inside, so I have to get used to it.

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