Sunday, February 22, 2009

Better Mood

There is a perk to these The Firm workouts - you can choose a full length or quick workout for each one. I like that I can not use no time for working out because I have many options, from 20 minutes to 55 minutes. I can fit it in no matter what. That is a good thing because I start back to school tomorrow - getting my bachelors :)

As for the eating, I am going to stop trying to change my whole life at once. Diets do not work because they are too much to handle at once. Instead I am opting for working out more and making small changes in my diet. I know I went on and on about how working out really doesn't help you drop weight, but I am at the point now - after about 8 months of steady working out that I have built some great muscle and I would like to keep working on it. My arms and abs would be so hot if I lost the layer of fat over them!

The first few changes I want to focus on are using smaller plates, not eating everything on my plate (these two things were proven to work, check out to see the article)and cutting my Pepsi consumption. I tried cutting it down to only three a day, but that only made me really sad. So, with that said I want to try for 6. I know that is a lot but it is actually not very much compared to my usual day. I think 6 is doable. I need to increase my water anyway. I can not wait for warm weather to get here because then I actually crave water and not pepsi, so it would be easy to cut back then. I think that is why I gain over the winter months.

Anyway, that is the plan, man.

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