Thursday, February 26, 2009

I'm so Lost

I really can not keep up this week with anything. My kids have been sick and I have been loaded down with work. I am doing good to just keep going.

I have gotten in working out. Not as much as I wanted. I started a new arm and ab workout in addition to my other workouts. It is killer and I love doing it, actually. I like to push myself. I do have to have rest in between, though, because it makes me so sore. I do it every other day. I have done The Firm a couple times and a quick step workout this week, too. I am doing good with my fitness.

I do not even want to talk about my diet. There is none. I have got to get it together or I will never lose weight. I realized that working out is really just keeping me from packing on the pounds. If I didn't work out I probably would have gained a ton of weight these past few months. I really hope I can find a way to kick myself in the butt and just stop drinking Pepsi. Like I've said, food is not my issue. I really do not eat excessively. It is the pepsi that is killing me.

At least I recognize my problem. Now I just have to do something about it.

1 comment:

  1. Pop was one of the hardest addictions for me to break. It took me YEARS to get over it. Now, I can just take it or leave it. You will get there too. Just wean yourself very slowly and replace it with something else you enjoy (low cal of course). I really like green tea now. I get the diet green tea individual packets for my water bottles. Yummy! :) Good luck and keep up the great work with the exercising!
